Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Sleepy Eyes

Jill and I each made our own visits to see Gus at the NICU today. Jill went in the early afternoon and I went after class. He is still receiving treatments for his lungs and getting some goop suctioned out of them every 3 hours. He seems to be struggling less with his breathing as a result. Gus is now getting 12 ml of milk every 2 hours and then having 1 hour off to process it. In big person terms that is like a 150 lb person drinking about 1.5 gallons of milk in the same period of time.

When I was in, Gus was laying on his side and was pretty comfortable. I was able to put my hand on his side and around his back. If I took my hand away, his vital signs would drop off - putting my hand back on brought them back into line. Even though we don't get much contact with Gus it is really great to know that our touch is comforting and sustaining to him.

While at the NICU there was a commotion that I overheard was the impending death of a newborn. Many family members and nurses went in and out of a procedure room near Gus. There was a lot of crying - including nurses who had to step out of the room to express their grief. I stayed with Gus and after some time a woman, who I assume was the mother, was wheeled out of the procedure room. She was completely dazed and in shock. Having experienced the still-birth of a child 18 months ago I can only say that Jill and I have been in that place - too confused to even feel anything.

Gus and I prayed for that family as they passed us, asking God's Spirit to be a true Comforter. I am so thankful for Gus but acknowledge there is often a fine line between death and life for these little people. I don't know their names, but please remember this family and their precious child in your prayers along with the nurses and doctors who were so moved.

Honored and humbled,
Gregg, Jill and Gus


Anonymous said...

I know the procedure room of which you speak. It's directly off of the delivery room where I gave birth to Max. I was there by design because they knew he'd need work. Max's isollette was two down from that room and I remember seeing much activity there too, but never like that. I will keep them in my prayers along with those for Gus. God Bless. K-

Anonymous said...

In big person terms that is like a 150 lb person drinking about 1.5 gallons of milk in the same period of time.

I'm glad you don't have to be a provider "in big person terms".