Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Big Blue Tent

We arrived at the NICU after lunch to find that Gus would not be having surgery today. He had a tough night - lots of erratic heart patterns and drops in his oxygen saturation. The NICU staff originally thought Gus had an infection, but early this morning they didn't find any trace of infection in his blood. They next adjusted his ventilator tube and that provided some relief from his discomfort. It seems the tube sank a little into the right lung, causing the pressure of the ventilator to only go into one lung. This freaked out the lung not getting oxygen and Gus reacted like he did yesterday - irritable and inconsistent. The decision was made to let Gus rest for the day and check everything again in the morning.
Gus is off the bilirubin light for now so he gets to hang out under the big blue tent. The NICU provides these blankets to drape over the incubators while having flaps they can raise to look in. Here is Jill with Gus - we decided not to get in and touch him today as he was resting nicely and probably recovering from his rough night. (I know how that feels...)
It is pretty dark under the big blue tent so I had to use the flash to catch this image. Shooting through plexiglas with a flash to refract light isn't the best photo environment but he's still cute!

Gus gained one quarter of an ounce last night - up to 1 lb 12 oz. We are a little anxious for Gus to have this surgery - with the arterial duct closed it means he can start moving forward with higher calorie feedings. As always, there are cautions - he is having a little problem passing his meconium and his belly is sore from that. They will want his intestines to be working well before they introduce mom's milk or formula.

Please join us once again in prayer for Gus' re-scheduled PDA surgery tomorrow, Thursday, March 9, 2006. I will write a report as soon as I can and give an update in the morning if we know he will definitely be in surgery.

We have received so many wonderful cards, gifts and flowers - each is a gift of love. Dana P, Tammy Jo & Dan, Ami C, Susan & Mark, Melsa & Skip, Amanda & Kurt, Jen, Matt & Cam, Helen & Karl, Mary & Todd, Sara & John, Davids UCC, Journey UCC, Brycon-CM Services - and so many more... Thank you for your thoughtfulness and care!
Gregg, Jill and Gus


Anonymous said...

Good luck with surgery tomorrow. We will be thinking about and praying for Gus!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gregg, Jill, and Gus!
My name is Erin Hobe Herman, and I'm sure you can guess by my middle name that I'm closely connected to a good friend and mentor of yours... I'm Pastor Barb's daughter. Though I live in Chicago with my husband, Greg, Mom and I talk almost every day. She excitedly told me about Gus' birth and and has kept me updated on his progress. I found out about your Blog when I talked with her yesterday and wanted to let you know that Greg and I will be praying for you. We attend a non-denominational church up here call Living Hope Church, and are very closely connected with a home group that meets weekly for Bible study, dinner, and fellowship. We have many kids in our group, and I know all of the families would be happy to pray for all three of you. If I may, I will pass along your names and Blog to then directly when I see them Sunday. Many of our closest friends have come through very challenging times through the power of prayer, so we know it works! Lots of love and prayers are being sent your way from across the miles for an easy surgery, quick recovery, and continual good overall growth and progress. We're with all three of you! Blessings, EHH

Anonymous said...

Hi Cousin Gus,

I can't type real words yet, but i like to press the keys. I'm your cousin Elsa (Brownie). Tomorrow is the day that you are having the surgery for your heart and it's also my first birthday. My ONLY birthday wish is that you will be fine and healthy. I can say dada, nana and "Gu". S's are hard to say as you will find out, but I can almost say Gus. I know you because my mama talks about you all of the time and we say a prayer for you every night and every morning. I can't wait to meet you.

I imagine that you wonder what is going on in your life right now. If it makes you feel any better, I don't know what is going on half the time in my life either, but I do know that everyone loves me and I'm pretty sure that I'm the center of attention just like you are. It's a good place to be. We have an incredible family. You wouldn't believe how loved we are. Grandma Susie lives to spoil Jack and you and me. And our parents...well...let me tell you that we are the center of their worlds.
My mom and I said a prayer for you tonight and for the doctors, nurses, assistants who all help you. You wouldn't believe how special you are to everyone. I'm so happy that you are my cousin.
I love you, Gus.
Cousin Elsa (Brownie)

Anonymous said...

Gus, you're on our mind today. You've got our prayers!!