Thursday, March 30, 2006

Holding Day

Another Thursday - another chance to hold Gus! He is still on the CPAP oxygen feed and doing really well - lowering his required oxygen percentage and amount of pressure every day. We are hopeful that he will move to a nasal cannula soon if he continues to progress as he is.

Gus was really settled today so we were both able to hold him. His vital signs were excellent and his oxygen requirements went way down when we held him - he really enjoyed being swaddled. Here is Jill - thrilled to be holding Gus and full of joy at his good progress this week. Gus is such a blessing and an incredible sign of hope to us and many!
Here is a close-up of Gus in his CPAP oxygen feed. It looks like he has a little snout - the yellow barrier behind the center tube just keeps air from flowing out around the prongs in his nose. The prongs are really short - less than .25 inch and don't seem to bother him at all. The only problem is when he moves his head as he tries to find a comfortable sleeping position. The nurses are really great at putting things around his head and allowing a little channel for the tubes to fit into so he barely knows it is there.

Gus has pretty much stayed the same weight this whole week - around 2 lb 3 oz. Even though his feeds have increased and mom's milk is being calorie fortified breathing on his own burns tons of calories. That will change as his lungs continue to heal and breathing becomes less work.

Gregg, Jill and Gus


Anonymous said...

He sure is an awesome little guy. Such a trooper! We hope and pray for his continued progress. Gregg, how did the walk go yesterday? Ours, here, is on Saturday. We love you all!

Anonymous said...


The love that radiates through you is reserved especially for a mother. Just beautiful!