Saturday, April 08, 2006

Shirts and Skins

Today was my day to hold Gus and his nurse suggested "skin-to-skin" holding (also called "kangaroo care") for the first time. It is a little difficult with his CPAP but we managed it. Kangaroo care is supposed to be great for stimulating Gus' blood flow and breathing. It really helps with his nervous system development - he could sense my emotions, feel my movements and respond to my breathing. Really amazing! Gus also discovered how Dad reacts when you grab his chest hair - ayaaaaah!

So Gus and I were skins today - everyone else kept their shirts on. He really did well with the close human touch - his vital signs were excellent and the nurse had to turn his oxygen DOWN several times to keep him from getting too excited. We slept a little bit together which was nice.

Tomorrow will be Jill's turn at "kangaroo care" and she is looking forward to that close touch also. Gus is becoming such a big boy - not fussing as much during his care times and really responsive to our touches and voices. He weighed 2 lb 9.75 oz today - up a whole ounce from yesterday. His feedings are going well and he is able to digest the entire 21 ml within 30 minutes of the end of his feeding.

Kanga, Jill and Joey


Anonymous said...

So happy to see you have made it to Kangaroo care. I know how calming it is for Braden so I'm sure Gus is loving it. And there is nothing like a warm little baby snuggling against your chest. Enjoy it--he will too! One more ounce--yeah!!!

Anonymous said...

How cool to get to hold Gus like that! I'm sure this will make all the difference in the world with his "growth". Not only for him, but also for you guys. Things are certainly looking up!