The journey of preemie Magnus (Gus) George Brekke born on 2/26/06 at 8:18pm. He weighed in at 1 lb 12.25 oz and was 13.5 inches long at 25 weeks of gestation. Truly a gift from God...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Videos - June 10, 2007
June 10 was Gus' real due date - so these videos were taken on his "adjusted" first birthday. We will obviously continue to celebrate his real birthday, February 26, but this is a milestone year for him...
Eating with a Fork
Giggle Crazy!
Wow - eating with a fork - I'm very impressed - Braden hasn't even tried a fork yet.
I hope Gus is doing better and is over his cough. Braden had to copy Gus with his fork this weekend - he did quite well stabbing waffles with the fork. Glad Gus showed him how.
Wow - eating with a fork - I'm very impressed - Braden hasn't even tried a fork yet.
I love these little videos. I hope Gus is feeling much better.
Mary ANne
What a happy little boy!
Karin A-J
I hope Gus is doing better and is over his cough. Braden had to copy Gus with his fork this weekend - he did quite well stabbing waffles with the fork. Glad Gus showed him how.
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