The journey of preemie Magnus (Gus) George Brekke born on 2/26/06 at 8:18pm. He weighed in at 1 lb 12.25 oz and was 13.5 inches long at 25 weeks of gestation. Truly a gift from God...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Catching Up...
Gus continues to make progress - having fewer episodes of apnea each day. He has been reduced to 1 liter per minute of flow on the cannula so we are hopeful that some healing and strengthening is taking place in his trachea that will help stop the causes of obstructive apnea. He continues to take a bottle feed once per 8 hour shift - it was my turn at 7:00pm tonight and he took about 1/3 before it was clear that he was too tired (from working out a big BM) so we gave the rest to him via gravity. Gus gained another ounce - up to 4 lb 14.5 oz today.
Gus and Jill hanging out after his feed. He fell asleep in my arms while sucking on his pacifier for a bit. He just loves to nuzzle and cuddle - what a wonderful feeling to get to hold him every day.
Tomorrow is a big day for Gus. He will have his eyes rechecked for retinopathy in the morning. Jill is then scheduled to be in before his afternoon feeding to give him his first "swaddle bath" with the occupational therapist. Please continue to keep all the NICU babies in your prayers - especially for healing in MH's and Gus' eyes.
I wept during Max's first bath. I was so very grateful to have the OT there to show me what to do. I felt like I was really caring for him. It was a truly pivotal moment. Could Gus and Jill possibly be more beautiful?
You're a cute little kid Gus!
Matt and Jodie
I wept during Max's first bath. I was so very grateful to have the OT there to show me what to do. I felt like I was really caring for him. It was a truly pivotal moment. Could Gus and Jill possibly be more beautiful?
In the journey...
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